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An middle age women surrounded by books

Question: Why it’s so hard to finish a non-belletristic book after I get to 60%, is it only me?

I like reading lots of non-fiction books. I like those so much that I need to limit the number of books I read this year. My reading goal for this year is:

Read 20 books of which 60% fiction.

I mix up the books I read, alternating between different types of books. I usually read two, or three books at the same time. I rarely read non-fiction books during bedtime, as my focus is not the best at the end of the day.

So, if I like so much to read non-fiction books, why is so hard to finish them?

So, after a while, I start questioning myself why I want to limit the number of non-technical books. And writing this question down, I start thinking why. And I realised that last year I read fewer books because I wasn’t able to finish the non-fiction books on time. Another reason was that I experimented with not starting a fiction book if I had not finished the non-fiction book I currently read. Was a big mistake, and I don’t know why I didn’t cut it earlier. What happened is that I read fewer books.

And I dig deeper and think about the current non-fiction book I am currently reading. I realize that after I reach around 60% per cent the pace is slowing down a lot! And don’t get me wrong, the book I am reading now is very interesting and is not at all repetitive. And despite that, is still hard to get it finished.

I don’t really have an answer because is happening. It could be the case that in my subconscious I fell into the comparison trap and compared the endings of a fiction book. Or is the instant gratification monster which switches me to the other books I am reading? Or is it just my attention overloaded with all the information and I need a break?