Tagged with mynotes
Question: Why it’s so hard to finish a non-belletristic book after I get to 60%, is it only me?
Default Apps 2023
Cool one! There is a list with people doing it at Hemispheric Views - App Defaults
Omnivore one of my favourite app
Omnivore app review. Omnivore is much more more than a read-it later app. It is free, open-source, distraction- free.
Focus on what fascinates you
Focus on what fascinates you, you are not a story
My productivity stack in 2023
My productivity stack in 2023
How to use Sprints in daily life
Advantage of using Sprints in daily life
Start from scratch
A thought about starting from scratch
Download Kindle highlights
Export the Kindle notes and download
GitHub how to use personal access Token
GitHub how to use personal access Token
Agile metrics - great video!
Very good video about agile metrics
Setup a local project from a fork repository
Setup a project from a fork reposotory
How to fix chmod(): Operation not permitted
Upgrade WSL1 to WSL2
Using visualization for problem-solving
Manual API testing using Insomnia
How to test API using insomnia
Grit - Ted Talk
Ted talk - Grit
The Foolishness Of Fail Fast Fail Often Notes
The Foolishness Of Fail Fast, Fail Often - review
Thirtybees PHP Depencencies
Mandatory PHP modules for Thirtybees
How to restart apache2 with DirectAdmin
Git add
Git add commands
How to upgrade Hugo version on Windows
Setup PHP LAMP stack in Windows 10 With WSL
Thirtybees always show free shipping
carrier not available and show all the time free shipping
Agile metrics
Interesting posts related with agile metrics